Application Security Reviews (Security Analysis)

Application Security Reviews (Security Analysis)

Application Security Reviews (Security Analysis)

Application Security reviews should be an integral part of the software/systems development life cycle and need to continue after the application / web site or web application has been deployed and is operating. Reviews are a necessary component in monitoring and auditing.

ERP Software Management offers two types of Application Security testing:

application security reviews

Static Application Security Testing:

Static Application Security Testing: Static analysis, also commonly called “white-box” testing, looks at applications in a non-runtime environment. This method of security testing has distinct advantages. It can evaluate both web and non-web applications and through advanced modeling, can detect flaws in the software’s inputs and outputs that cannot be seen through dynamic web scanning alone.
By conducting a Static code testing ERP Software Management can pinpoint root causes of security vulnerabilities in source code, receive prioritized results sorted by severity of risk, and get guidance on how to fix vulnerabilities in line-of-code detail. As a result, you can ensure your software is trustworthy, reduce the costs of finding and fixing application vulnerabilities, and establish the foundation for secure coding best practices.

application security reviews

Dynamic Application Security Testing:

Dynamic security testing or “black-box” testing helps companies to identify and remediate security issues in their running applications before hackers can exploit them. By dynamically testing at run-time, we inspect applications the same way a hacker would attack them providing accurate and actionable vulnerability detection.

Security Reviews

ERP Software Management’s Application Security services take a full life cycle approach towards security testing of application right from the development stage, during the development and post development.

Security Reviews during development:

Security reviews are built into the application development process. This encourages use of security best practice and reduces the cost of fixing issues found during later system testing.

Security Reviews at development:

Even if a system has been designed and developed with security considered at every stage, and the application has been checked for security vulnerabilities and undergone application penetration testing, the deployment of the project may lead to new security risks. Hence, reviews at this stage need to be conducted and include configuration issues, problems found and altered during deployment, different permissions, and temporary files.

Security Reviews during operations:

Continued monitoring and review of an application’s security is necessary throughout the operational lifetime. Aspects of the application like network, hardware and operating system changes software ‘fixes’, extensions or improvements, which can introduce unforeseen vulnerabilities or leave sensitive information available in unexpected locations will be reviewed.

Security Reviews at disposal / migration:

Application information security considerations continue right up to disposal. It is important that data is preserved or destroyed appropriately. This often means transfer to other systems that have different security policies and security models and data protection requirements. Residual information in databases, in logs and on servers must be identified and removed in keeping with a data retention policy and to ensure no loss of assets occurs. Transfer of user accounts must be examined very carefully to ensure that loss of services or permission escalations do not occur.

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